Slow down. Take it easy! Take time to smell the flowers. Smile! Look at the clouds! Don't miss the forest for the trees. In today's world, it isn't surprising we have so many disposable phrases that are essentially variations of:
wake up from your stupor and look the fuck around you (this means
you, tourist with face buried in map, friend obsessed with cell phone, guy sexting and driving). When we do emerge from our cyber- or other-cocoons, what we notice can range from the mundane to the highly amazing or disturbing, depending on the depth and breadth of our attention. Focused attention over time, in particular, can lead to the awareness of large trends.
For example, now, as I'm writing this, it's Wednesday. As I type, I notice
Wednesday has two
Es in it. Yesterday,
Tuesday had only one
E. Then, thinking back,
Monday had none. Do you realize what is going on here? If I were a beast, even a domesticated animal, I might wait around to see what comes next, but as an intelligent human being, I can forecast and
learn - I can use what I've seen before, recognize the trend, and
extrapolate the future! What comes next? Obviously the day with three
(click any picture to enlarge)
Clearly, this is a case of pure linear growth. 0, 1, 2, and next, tomorrow must have 3
Es. Theeresday? The day after that, which I've heard typically pronounced 'Fry Day' must be spelled with four
Es: Freeeeday, Freedaeey, or perhaps Feereeday. Although I've heard talk of 'Satyr Day' and 'Sun Day' following Feereeday, I'm not really sure how to spell those with 5 and 6
Es respectively. No doubt some of you readers have had more schooling than me and will be able to offer corrections.