August 25, 2015

Better Person, Better Musician: Responses to the Venn Diagram

UPDATE: You can now order the poster, shown at left, at! Also available are T-shirts, pins, magnets, stickers, mugs, coasters, postcards, and even a clock, notebooks, and more…

Since I posted my PSA Venn Diagrams back in June 2015, hundreds of thousands of people have viewed it—well, at least one part of it. This particular diagram has been liked/shared in the upwards of 28,000 36,000 48,500 60,000 83,000 248,000 times on Facebook, Tumblr, Twitter, Instagram, and the like:

The original Venn diagram.
Thanks to everyone who has shared it (without cropping out Pwuth!). Here are some of the greatest comments out there…

August 5, 2015

The Two Fates of Optimus Prime / DeepDream



It turned out the matrix was alien technology all along: an electro-organic symbiote which bonded to its host. As such, its extended use had…consequences.